Weekly Astrology Horoscope for November 11 - November 17, 2019 by ASTROLOGER GANESHA BEJAN DARUWALLA

www.bejandaruwalla.com info@bejandaruwalla.com +91-8141234275 Shree Ganeshaya Namah Weekly Horoscope November 11 – November 17, 2019 By Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla Aries: Ganesha says you make rapid progress. There is visible success and everything you touch turns to gold. In this period you rise in your esteem and leave the opposition far behind. You will experience and do full justice to a rare state of exceptional creativity and charisma. There is better health and a much more positive mindset. You are ready to take on the world and its challenges and come out trumps. Taurus: There will be nothing that you feel is difficult to achieve or is impossible...