Weekly Astrology Horoscope for April 13 - April 19, 2020 by ASTROLOGER GANESHA BEJAN DARUWALLA

www.bejandaruwalla.com info@bejandaruwalla.com +91-8141234275 Shree Ganeshaya Namah Weekly Horoscope April 13 – April 19, 2020 By Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla Aries: Ganesha says with foresight and long-range planning, you will be able to map out your future. You are filled with optimism and believe that everything will work out exactly as you want it to. Your normally grandiose plans have a practical touch to them. This is an excellent time to embark on new projects or to conclude any kind of transaction. It is also a superb time to buy or sell because you will be in the driver’s seat and will profit from a rich bargain. Taurus: You move ahead full throttle and nothing can stop you no...