Weekly Astrology Horoscope forJuly 27 - August 2, 2020 by ASTROLOGER GANESHA NASTUR BEJAN DARUWALLA

www.bejandaruwalla.com info@bejandaruwalla.com +91-8141234275 Shree Ganeshaya Namah Weekly Horoscope July 27 – August 2, 2020 By Nastur Bejan Daruwalla (Contact: +91 8141234275 for astrological queries) Aries: Ganesha says there will be fears of being misunderstood or wrongly judged. But you have to go with your gut feel. Try out prayer and meditation and ask your soul for answers. There could be many twists here and I do not want to make further generalizations as individual horoscopes can be like chalk and cheese – very different. This is an interesting period. Watch it closely. Taurus: You are in a better frame of mind now. There is more stability in your affairs and your thought processes...