Weekly Astrology Horoscope for September 3 - September 9, 2018 by ASTROLOGER BEJAN DARUWALLA


                Shree Ganeshaya Namah
                Weekly Horoscope
                September 3– September 9, 2018
                By Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Aries: Ganesha says you are in a great mood. You set the stone and the pace. You are ambitious and get down to the task of nation building, even if that is an exaggeration. But that is the mood you are in. You make headway in your career, and those who are freelancing widen their client base substantially. The pickings are good. You also manage to lay the foundations of a nest egg.

Taurus: There are boulders but you manage to sidestep them with ease. There are expenses but also several new deals in the offing. Those associated with realty do exceedingly well. This is also a good time for architects, contractors and stock market payers. You are prone to speculation. Your heart strings could also be pulled. Ganesha watches over you. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you,’ said Lao-tzu. You win kudos, applause, awards and rewards.

Gemini: “If you stumbled today, remember where and how it felt. Tomorrow, take a different path. Life flourishes from its pain and the lessons we gain,’ said Dodinky. Ganesha agrees. You are in maudlin mode and journey down the past. You meet up with old buddies and have a great time recapitulating old times. It is a pleasant time by all accounts. You are not charged to do heavy work. The health of family members may be a cause for concern, though children bring joy.

Cancer: A new intensity scorches you. You want to get things done, and in a hurry too. You feel you have wasted too much time in nothingness and that disturbs you no end. You reach out to others, network furiously and plan out new ventures. There could be secret deals and powerful love and longing. Singles have a wild time and those in relationships bond magically. You may plan an exotic holiday with your partner. Ganesha journeys with you.

Leo: This is a mixed period, but certainly not a nixed one. You are into problem solving. You do not want to ruffle feathers and will go out of your way to keep the peace. You want to get to the bottom of any perplexing issue. There are no ego drives and you are at your peaceful best. This wins you brownie points and you are socially on the upscale. You walk away from altercations, confrontations and naked power play.

Virgo: You are powerful and vital, brimming with good health. You work hard and accomplish a lot. You have a high self-image, confidence and vigour, and it seeps into all your dealings. You are assertive without getting in the way. There is maturity and repose. Ganesha is thrilled as you also manage to take a stand when necessary. There are new openings and opportunities and you take the chances coming your way.

Libra: You power ahead and nothing can get in the way. You are filled with drive, gusto, ambition and self-belief. You also spend like there is no tomorrow. This can be an indulgent phase with holidays, business expansion and new collaborations. Ganesha urges you to use this period well. It is propitious and it will be in your interest to take the tide at the flood.

Scorpio: This is a long and eventful period and you should make the most of it. The period favours travels, meetings, conferences, interviews, trips, more brainpower, contacts, communication, correspondence and contracts. You have the Midas touch. There could be international travel and several new deals in the offing. You open the throttle and speed away in sixth gear. There is money and vital associations that pitchfork you into stardom. Wow, says Ganesha

Sagittarius: ‘My words fly up, my thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts never to heaven go,’ said the great William Shakespeare, playwright and poet. You are in a fantastic creative phase. This is a gold mine for writers, poets, actors, film folk and those in creative pursuits. There is intense social networking too. You want to experience every vista of life and leave no stone unturned.

Capricorn: The trends are propitious and use your free will to advantage. The stars tell you in no uncertain terms that this is the time to sow. ‘Fill the brain with the highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work,’ said Swami Vivekananda. There are rewards and awards, plaudits and applause. The period is bullish and everything you touch turns to gold. Don’t spare the horses. If you are looking for a lucky time for start-ups, this is it. Ganesha is also with you

Aquarius: ‘When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy,’ said Rumi. When it rains it pours. The golden run continues unabated. The compatibility of partners and also the type of life the individual will lead are judged from the placement of stars in the horoscope. You have an intellectual appreciation of beauty. New vistas open and you spend great times under the fast-warming subcontinent sun, if it isn’t steaming by now.

Pisces: You are moving at a frenetic pace. The phase you are in reminds me of Nikki Lauda, the great race car driver, who came back from the dead to win. Nothing can stop you now. You are irrepressible. ‘I think, therefore I am,’ said the French philosopher Descartes. You think big, live large, and love even larger. Ganesha is impressed as you go from strength to strength.


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