Weekly Astrology Horoscope for November 12 - November 18, 2018 by ASTROLOGER GANESHA BEJAN DARUWALLA
Ganeshaya Namah
12 – November 18, 2018
Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla
Aries:- Ganesha says a marvellous of inspired activities and results
follows last period’s similar one. The activities themselves will be many and
varied – there’s nothing left out I could say. Home, family, parents and pets,
dependents, work, performance, office, colleagues, social life, the arts and
creative pursuits. You need to have the time and energy for it all, of course,
but you’re genuinely inspired and can definitely handle it all. You do your
best in this busy, very active phase. The main thrust and focus of all your
activities will definitely be finances.
Taurus:- Your schedule will be even more frantically busy. You’ve
taken on a lot and are determined to do justice to do it all. This will be the
way things are for most of the month ahead that is certain. If you were busy
last period, now it’s something in a different league altogether. Work, family,
socialising, partying, hectic lobbying, net - working – you name it. Rest and
relaxation will therefore be vital and imperative on a regular basis to prevent a burnout.
Prayers, meditation, tantra and mantra, religion and rituals will give solace,
strength and inspiration. Love, romance, money matters, sheer unadulterated
hard and slogging are what you’re busy with.
Gemini:- Journeys and
relationships and acquisitions all conspire to come together, and yet
you are both enthused and happy as you cope. Not just cope, you will handle
them rather brilliantly, despite your hectic schedule of activities. They will
centre around all/some of: travel, loans, sex, passion, funds,
buying/selling/shopping, (these three most certainly) and reaching out to
people Both professional net working and personal bonding will be equally
important, equally valid in your mind.
Cancer:- You will start implementing your new plan/scheme for living
right from this period. Journeys, travels and/or mental growth take precedence
in your schedule. You will embark on both with zest and great sincerity – a) as a true learning
experience, and also b) as a means of contacts, relationships/ties. You have
realised both the value and relevance of genuine bonding and are keen to have
the best of it all. Your own siblings, relatives and people really close to you
will come to mean much more, and react well to you. You will also be drawn
greatly to the much more elevated plane, to intellectual activities, education
and higher studies, even research.
Leo:- Another grand period, full of joys and achievements, Ganesha
gives you much. Achievements, Accomplishments, wish-fulfilment, but at a price.
There’s always a price, remember – there are no free lunches in life as they
say. But you are both willing and able to say this price – effort, sincere
commitment, and of course hard work. You will concentrate on increasing your
influence and status as well as your bank balance, realising that both matter
equally to you. Money issue will be handled with both flair and wisdom,
especially your resources, income so that you can maximise them. Expenses have
to be addressed, and dealt with.
Virgo:- From the last period where you zeroed in on finances and
achievements, you shift your focus to your good interactions and bonding with
people you care for. Games, parties, ceremonies and functions, lots of
publicity and lots of business activities. Your mood will be very focussed on –
loving, giving and sharing. It is truly this cementing of ties is probably what
you enjoy the most, even at your party and socialise. Alongside, the mental
stresses will continue in your money angle, and you’ll still have to give
income and assets a lot of attention. Ganesha says – brokerage, commission
agencies, ties and collaboration will all prove fulfilling.
Libra:- You’re able to really relax, let go of your worries. Peace and
harmony, striving for balance and Excellence, and above all, realising the
value and place of domestic commitments, will make you both happy and
contented. Your personal, intimate life of love, and bonding, as well as family
attachments and caring will be of paramount importance, You will try to seek
and find these in love, romance, marriage, or in a relationship that brings the
same kind of ties. Your own responses are strong too.
Scorpio:- Your ties and bounds have been reinforced, and there has
been quite a shift in your thinking and focus. All these lead you to enjoy rather than resent your
daily round of activities – domestic chores and commitments/duties at home and
at work, family and filial responsibilities will all be handled with
sensitivity and grace to your own gain. The main thrust of activities will
definitely deal with house, home, land, property, building or matters connected
with all of the above.
Sagittarius:- You’ve put your house in order, both literally and
figuratively, over the past period. This period will therefore be really and
truly time to relax and be happy. Have a load of fun, wine and dine your
friends, be a happy host, enjoy life and above all live well, love well. More
than assets, success, money you will realise that to make these meaningful, you
need love, the warmth of companionship, and you will be going all out to get
it. It’s what you feel will be your greatest achievement to date. This is the
outcome of your changed attitude, in which you have the firm conviction and
strong belief that marriage, romance, the joys of wedded bliss are much more
your scene.
Capricorn:- Your self-belief and confidence have increased and you now
feel a surge of power and greatness with Regard to passion, sex, finance,
religion. Religion may take the form of ceremonies and praying for the living
and the dead. You also need to build up your own mental and spiritual
strengths, says Ganesha. They will be of help since there is a slight risk of
ill health, or of accidents befalling you. This is something you have
definitely to watch out for, guard against. Adequate precautions – of all
kinds, not just physical or health wise, will need to be put in place. Even in
your emotions and your relationships, adds Ganesha.
Aquarius:- You’re both busy and active once again on the professional
and social scenes, both. What this period will definitely bring in will be the
3 Fs of family, finance and food, and much more. A wide spectrum of business
and professional transactions, deals and negotiations will have to be handled
as well, along with the angles of money of high finances even should. As I
explain, the threes Fs will be linked to form part of the whole, and on a large
scale. You will be entertaining, attending or giving parties, being a good
host/hostess, even dealing with dietetics and nutrition.
Pisces:- You will need to pull out all the stops and not just work
hard but think and plan ahead equally intensively. You will now find yourself
entering extremely busy, involved, perhaps occasionally even confused phase,
with much to do/cope with/handle. There will be both personal and professional
issues to address. Some Compromises, too, will have to be worked out. You’ll
have to do within your involvements with domestic pursuits and family matters,
your children, and their affairs, and finally your own creativity, most
especially. You’ll have to work at reconciling this last with all the huge
demands on yourself that you will now perceive. To be fair you do try to do
your best.
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