Birthday Astrology Horoscope for February 18 - February 24, 2019 by Astrologer Ganesha Bejan Daruwalla
Shree Ganeshaya Namah
18 – February 24, 2019
Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla
18th: If things have
recently been turbulent this period brings a more comforting and comfortable
sense of reliability to dealings with others. Clear, reasonable, and objective
communication holds the key.
19th: You’ll be especially
delighted if you can arrange to find yourself in fresh surroundings and in the
presence of energetic people for the latter hald of the period.
20th: Good fortune that
befalls another person should have a beneficial fallout for you. Someone you
know could turn out to be a benefactor in some way, at any rate, contacts are
21st: Ganesha says the Sun
puts a spotlight on you, furthering your interests and encouraging new ventures
through direct dealings with others who are very active, motivating, and maybe
even pushy.
22nd: It’s hard to find
satisfaction; a happy medium between playing it cautiously safe and being
spontaneously reckless seems persistently elusive. Opting for the latter proves
to be the better option.
23rd: Financial changes
make sense, particularly in regard to family / property matters. Some
reorganising and restructuring can help you make order out of chaos. Go it
alone, though, instead of expecting cooperation.
24th: Another person’s
(mate, partner, consultant, salesperson) big, expansive, or extravagant ideas
won’t likely jive with your currently more conservative fiscal slant. Don’t get
dragged into a dispute.
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