Weekly Astrology Horoscope for April 8 - April 14, 2019 by Astrologer Ganesha Bejan Daruwalla
Ganeshaya Namah
8 – April 14, 2019
Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla
Aries: Ganesha says these are grand
times and you must seize every opportunity. You may be swept off your feet by a
potential lover. You are not excited by the person per se but by something
within yourself that you are projecting upon him or her. When you finally learn
the truth about the other person, you may have difficulty accepting the person
and your fatal attraction. But that is how life is with its many mysteries and
Taurus: Ganesha says these are
exciting times and you must savour each mouthful to games, partying,
socialising, get-togethers. Yes, your plate is full and overflowing.
Relationships, both personal and professional, give you great pleasure and
benefit you in manifold ways. You look towards the future with hope and
optimism. You find great satisfaction at work and this joyful spirit adds
colour to your life. Ganesha has truly blessed you.
Gemini: You live large and attract many
liaisons, some of which can be dangerous. You could be attracted to an
unattainable person. You may be setting yourself up for a situation in which
you cannot win as the person you have set your sights on appears to be an
unrealisable dream. You will be torn by several emotions. Should you continue
and push ahead or should you withdraw? You attract attention with your actions
and become the source of wonderment and, maybe, even envy.
Cancer: You make many new contacts
and have remarkable career growth. There could be overseas travel and an affair
with a person from a completely different culture. Of course, like I keep
saying, nothing certain can be said until I refer to the personal horoscope.
These are all mere generalisations. Ganesha is with you all the way.
Relationships are the central theme of this period. You live a lot in a fantasy
Leo: Ganesha says by avoiding
confrontations with real people, you also avoid a confrontation with yourself.
You do this precisely because you fear that you will be the loser. Yet a real
confrontation is just what you need. If you persist in any of these
relationships, you will have to confront both yourself and your partner as real
individuals. That will be the real test of the relationship. Along with all this,
there will also be growth and progress.
Virgo: You can expect sudden
windfalls, great wealth or luck, and all kinds of wonderful opportunities. You
may also make investments in a second home and take a holiday with the family.
Take life as it flows, says Ganesha. There will be many types of meetings that
make you wiser and more mature and have a broader understanding of the world.
You will reach out consciously and unconsciously and ask more of the world;
along with this, you are also prepared to give more of yourself to the world.
Libra: This trend makes you feel
either more demanding or more giving towards others. According to the law of
conservation of energy in the universe, you can transform the energies in your life
from one form to another, but you cannot create them out of nothing.
Additionally, along with all this, you are also busy with loans, funds, rent,
leases, legacies and inheritances. Certainly, by all accounts, Ganesha gives
you a mixed and sumptuous period.
Scorpio: There is travel on the cards
and new ideas and people to flirt with. Many old flames and friends from the
past come into your life. There will be new circumstances that give you
increased freedom or an opportunity to do something that you have never done before.
There will be opportunities for higher education and travel. Sometimes this
influence also brings about financial gains. This is an excellent time to
invest or expand in business as long as you are very careful not to overdo it
or overextend yourself.
Sagittarius: There is stability but
along with it are many new influences. You have a strong need to express
yourself by doing something that is different from your normal routine. It is
not that you want to rebel but you definitely do not want the status quo to
continue. You need to experience a new kind of freedom in your life and to discover
dimensions of living that you have not known before.
Capricorn: You are keen on taking
risks but just make sure that they are calculated ones. You may search for
higher realities, for inner truth on the metaphysical or philosophical level,
or you may just change jobs to experience a new adrenaline rush. It all depends
on several factors including a personal horoscope reading to be more accurate.
But the indications are that there will be change. These are exciting times and
Ganesha is wit you all the way.
Aquarius: You are much more receptive
to new ideas now. You look for more novelty, more originality, and this is a
good move as you are tired of the boring and the mundane which has dominated
most of the recent past. You may have got into a rut and this is the time to
get out of it and make new forays into the big, wide world. There will be new
opportunities or a piece of good luck that seems to have emerged out of the
blue and taken you by surprise.
Pisces: There will be sudden changes
or an event that gives you a new chance in some way. There could also be a
sudden windfall or promotion or even a sudden change encounter that works to
your advantage. There are many openings and opportunities spread out before
you, life a buffet. Make the most of it, says Ganesha. There is travel,
expansion and growth. You are in the throes of success and that is most
certainly a good feeling.
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