Weekly Astrology Horoscope for May 6 - May 12, 2019 by ASTROLOGER GANESHA BEJAN DARUWALLA


              Shree Ganeshaya Namah
              Weekly Horoscope
              May 6 – May 12, 2019
              By Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla
Aries: Ganesha says there will be many demands at the workspace and you are drawn, whether you like it or not, into family and property matters, house and home. In your usual friendly manner you will try to resolve differences that may have arisen and also create an atmosphere that is both pleasant and harmonious. Family and work are your twin involvements and you will be drowned in them. But this is not a problem, since you enjoy it and do whatever is expected of you marvellously well.
Taurus: Ganesha blesses you. Children will be a source of joy and you spend many happy moments with them. There is a lot of movement now. You meet people, make profitable travel, sign deals and are in the thick of action. This period sees a lot of socialising and you gain financially and emotionally. The family is better placed and that gives you great satisfaction. There is greater happiness, peace and contentment. You have all that you desire.
Gemini: You are more relaxed and responsive to others. This phase teaches you, in a fresh new way, and very strongly, the joys and methods of getting the most out of life. You manage to use your time and resources to your advantage, and in turn, give the best of your life. You meet up with old flames and there is a lot of partying too. You want to end the period in a blaze of glory. You will, says Ganesha. There are many emotional moments with loved ones.
Cancer: You realise that you need to control your ego drives and related better to others. You need to get a handle on your pride and egotism and be more tactful and diplomatic, committed and responsible. You re-examine your life and look at how others view you. You may need to change your perceptions and there is a lot of work to be done on yourself. You want to be a better human being and that is the challenge.
Leo: You work on all the areas that need improvement and spruce up your physique, wardrobe, manners, make-up, total turnout, and behaviour patterns – the works. Ganesha blesses you. This has been an interesting period with many life lessons imparted. There have been material rewards which, most certainly, have been valuable and pleasing. You look for more love and warmth in relationships which will also happen.
Virgo: As you reach out to others and give them love and respect, it comes back to you manifold. You gain love in equal measure, are appreciated, valued and cherished. There are special new bonds of caring, sharing, affection. This is also the time for an engagement or marriage. Who knows, if eligible, it could be yours! Or to someone dear to you, which will not only give you joy and pleasure, but immense satisfaction too.
Libra: You want to give yourself wings and you look at more meanings of the word ‘achievement’. You want to do more than just work mechanically and cope with the nitty-gritty of life. You want more from life and you are on the right track. Ganesha is happy. You will try to not only rid yourself of financial worries but make yourself and your family secure and comfortable, money-wise. Let me stick my neck out a bit – studies, research, dealing with in-laws, visits and interviews.
Scorpio: Ganesha urges caution in matters of the heart. I repeat that romantic liaisons, engagements, weddings, strengthening bonds with your loved ones, be it your lover, your children, or even your extended family – will hold centre stage. As the period ends, you enter a hectic work phase. You explore and optimize all the opportunities that come your way. You have learned a few of life’s lessons in the past period and the time has come to forge ahead.
Sagittarius: Ganesha assures you that all the good things in life are yours for the asking. You are on all cylinders and blazing away. If there is a problem with you, it is that sometimes you could have blinkers on and feel that you are right and everyone else is wrong. Watch this attitude and all will be well! This is the time for almost total focus on goals, in your profession and career, perhaps even an obsessive commitment, so great is your desire to get going.
Capricorn: Your life becomes expansive and extravagant. There will be many expenses, meetings and travel. You will be reaching out to as many people as possible. There will be progress but it will also take its toll. You will be taking loans and making the necessary changes for the big leap ahead. This is a very intense phase. All the ingredients that make life combustible come to you in a rush. You may be in the throes of a new love affair.
Aquarius: You make the most of this sizzling phase. As the period moves on, a sensitive and thoughtful phase takes over your life. Your love life is at a crucial juncture. There are monetary gains at work and you do well but affairs of the heart tend to side track you. You look for escape routes and delve into dharma / karma / tantra and mantra in search of answers. You explore several possibilities in a quest for peace.
Pisces: Please remember that these are mere generalizations. A deeper and more accurate study depends on a personal horoscope. But Ganesha is my boss and with his help I am able to say many things about people and life. Insights into the nature of truth, reality, work, love and philosophy are the specialities of this period. There will be more money, but more demands on your time too. Adequate rest, health safeguards and, of course, not over-extending yourself financially, will be necessary.


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