Weekly Astrology Horoscope for May 27 - June 2, 2019 by ASTROLOGER GANESHA BEJAN DARUWALLA


              Shree Ganeshaya Namah
              Weekly Horoscope
              May 27 – June 2, 2019
              By Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla
Aries: Ganesha says you continue to work hard but there are many emotional issues to be resolved. The home needs attention. The spouse, children, parents, in-laws and many other domestic issues need to be sorted out. You will be distracted from routine; may I say, even waylaid. You are kept busy with many distractions that somehow conspire to keep you away from your gaols.
Taurus: Ganesha says you will return with renewed focus and energy. Consider this a mere aberration. Remember that domestic matters also play an important part in a person’s life and should not be neglected or kept on the back burner for too long or they will just explode in your face when least expected. You love the good things of life and make many new purchases.
Gemini: You may even be a spending spree, and why not? You have earned money and you want to decorate your home and get yourself the goodies that money buys. You may invest in real-estate or play the markets or make some astute purchases. There may also be a new relationship in the offing and it may be necessary to be discreet about it or it could blow up in your face.
Cancer: Ganesha urges caution in matters of the heart. This is also a time for the good life – family outings, picnics, get-togethers. Relationships will be of utmost importance and there will be many new realisations from them. I repeat that romantic liaisons, engagements, weddings, strengthening bonds with your loved ones, be it your lover, your children, or even your extended family – will hold centre stage.
Leo: Once again, emotional issues swarm you. You are doing well but you look for deeper answers to life’s questions. Do not get morbid. Let life unfold its myriad colours to you when it chooses it. You go deep into yourself seeking solutions to pressing questions You are in an introspective mode and like the Buddha look for answers to life’s disturbing questions.
Virgo: This is a good phase, assures Ganesha and helps you in becoming a fully rounded personality. Life is not just about work, money and comfort; phases like this help you unravel the mysteries of this great universe. Go with the flow, advises Ganesha. You are now back on track and moving ahead with single – minded determination. You enter a hectic work phase. No stone will remain unturned.
Libra: You make the most of this trend, and explore and optimise all the opportunities that come your way. You have learned a few of life’s lessons in the past period and the time has come to forge ahead without a pause. Ganesha assures you that all the good things in life are yours for the asking. There is a caveat though: learn to take short breaks as this constant hard work may drain your energies.
Scorpio: Your life becomes expansive and extravagant. There will be many expenses, meetings and travel. You will be reaching out to as many people as possible. There will be progress but it will also take its toll. There is growth in your career but along with it there are also many distracting trifles. You will be making many investments and will be studying the stock market, mutual funds, fixed deposits and other monetary instruments.
Sagittarius: You will be taking loans and making the necessary changes for the big leap ahead. Ganesha advises you to be cautious but not to duck from the fight. Go with the flow and success is yours. This is a very intense phase. All the ingredients that make life combustible come to you in a rush. You may be in the throes of a new love affair. If single, this could lead to the altar or, at the least, be something serious, much more than a frivolous affair.
Capricorn: Another sensitive and thoughtful phase takes over your life. Your love life is at a crucial juncture. If married, you may be lured into extra-marital affairs with dire consequences. Be on your guard. There are monetary gains at work and you do well but affairs of the heart tend to sidetrack you. You make compromises in moments of weakness which could be a source of regret later.
Aquarius: You look for escape routes and delve into dharma / karma / tantra and mantra in search of answers. You explore several possibilities in a quest for peace. The forces pushing you are compulsive, almost demonic, and you need respite. This is a learning process, says Ganesha. A sharp glistening sword has to come through fire and you are being subjected to what could be simply called a purification ritual.
Pisces: Different pressures are at play now. New vistas will beckon and there will be meetings and prolonged travel. You may also make contact with old associates from a long time ago and there could be many fun-filled moments. Family members will also take your time and it will all be pleasurable. Your mind will, thankfully, be diverted from the mundane chores of work and home.


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