Weekly Astrology Horoscope for August 17 - August 23, 2020 by ASTROLOGER GANESHA NASTUR BEJAN DARUWALLA
Shree Ganeshaya Namah
Weekly Horoscope
August 17 – August 23, 2020
By Vedic Astrologer Nastur Bejan Daruwalla
(Contact: +91 8141234275 for astrological queries)
Aries: Ganesha says Partnerships and money are the spheres that keep you busy at the start of the period. By partnerships is meant not just business or financial tie – ups, but the entire range of marital, romantic partnerships, siblings, relatives – all those you form equal ties with. The point to note here is equality – balance – in the relationship. You also seek to create an income to match and keep you with expenses, and leave something over for a rainy day.
Taurus: You will weigh up and consider future plans for earning very carefully now. Additional avenues of earning will be explored, so also will long – term investments. You try for present comfort and also future security – not just for yourself but the family, your dependents – in all your financial activities. You will strive for inner calm, serenity too – also to provide a secure domestic environment for your loved ones.
Gemini: Your intimate family circle, your really close friends and relatives provide support, cooperation, ideas in all your endeavours. I must mention that many of these efforts will be directed towards getting some extra cash. A second job, business, enterprise could be contemplated and put into action – mode. Romantic and professional / business attachments and liaisons could both happen.
Cancer: You are ready to dare all in your somewhat determined efforts to get extra mileage in both money and romance. In fact you are so keen to impress that you may move to a better locality / home / job / faith / house of worship. You certainly don’t do things by halves – it’s all or nothing that you gamble for. You just might strike it lucky, chuckles Ganesha.
Leo: Your daring, rashness, risk – taking of last period now get transformed into a zest for life, laughter, loving, fun and games! The good things of life, lots of wining and dining, luxuries, comforts, fine living are all sought, and attained. You have the energy, gusto, daring, for all this and also for start – ups, ventures, projects that will have you going places. Great work!
Virgo: It is not that you neglect personal and domestic finances. In these you aim at creating a suitable cushion for home and family. Your personal equations continue to be warm, harmonious, vitally important. You never waver from your allegiance to family values, whatever area you’re operating in. Even if it’s huge financial issues, your heart is with your home and loved ones.
Libra: You are an achiever, a path – breaker at work but don’t compromise on good times, shared pleasures in the intimate family circle. Even your love and marriage are replete with affection, bonding, closeness rather than passionate encounters. Shared investments and funds are the key now, rather than large financial issues. The strong point in all your activities is the theme of share and share alike – making for greater closeness, greater love.
Scorpio: Love and finance, money and honey. Let’s look at the money angle first. Finances are clearly demarcated, allocated, leaving little or no room for error or doubt I wish I could say the same for love. Here there is an element of mystery, of risk – taking. You’re willing to chance your heart, your emotions in an “all for love” kind of attitude. It just may not be reciprocated but that doesn’t deter you greatly.
Sagittarius: You are sympathetic to a degree that will make you risk everything for someone close to you – not necessarily a lover or spouse. There are huge expenses and requirements of cash, so you need to take on extra work, or even a second job in order to cope. So, you’re in for a phase of hectic activity, perhaps travel. Certainly a huge amount of work. I can’t say if you’ll feel it’s worth it, but you do it anyway.
Capricorn: Inspiration, ideas, creativity at white heat come to you. All your plans / projects / ventures / involvements get greatly energised. You are active on several fronts, sustained and encouraged by support and cooperation from close friends, associates and like – minded people. You also manage to charm your way into the heart of someone you cherish – either romantically and emotionally or professionally.
Aquarius: In your sign, this phase has you concentrating fair and square on your income, earning, finances – more with a view to providing for and nurturing your family, children and even relatives. You want to hold the purse – strings, call the shots, be in control. This just might lead to arguments / discussions but you are communicating well. In love and romance, too, you will experience greatly intensity – even when you fight!
Pisces: You are into a bout of such hard work, such all – out effort that it’s mind – boggling to watch. Health problems, stress and exhaustion could well be the outcome; that anyone could fore-see. You don’t need an astrologer to tell you so. What Ganesha advises is that a) you should find the time for personal matters, a little rest and relaxation with loved ones and b) a turning to meditation, relaxation techniques, spiritual pursuits, leisure activities – all of which you might have been neglecting.
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