Weekly Astrology Horoscope for December 11 - December 17, 2017 by Bejan Daruwalla
Ganeshaya Namah
11 – December 17
Aries: Ganesha says the family and
new aspects of spiritual progress will play a prominent role in your life now.
People play a vital role and there may be love, romance perhaps an engagement
or wedding, hobbies, fun, gambling, speculation and much more on the cards. You
will also explore higher planes of consciousness. This is certainly an
interesting combination and you will not be alone in the new orientations and
interests taking centrestage in your life.
Taurus: There are several deadlines,
commitments and targets to be met and you are slogging away, burning the
midnight oil. You manage to meet them all successfully, however, and the
rewards will be there for you to see. It is a busy, action-oriented period and
you will be working at a scorching pace. There may be a little romance, too,
but the theme is definitely sustained, hard work. At the end, you will be
brimming with confidence, and the satisfaction of having done a good job. Not
to forget a justified sense of achievement.
Gemini: You will be productive at
work and will achieve much, once again. Your self – image gets a boost and you
get kudos from family, friends, colleagues, co-workers and associates. You are
optimistic and positive and work with efficiency. Try not to get an inflated ego
as everything is working out the way you wanted it and it will be difficult not
to get over-confident. Try instead to keep a humble and low profile as it will
benefit you in the long run.
Cancer: There is a lot of
satisfaction to be had. You bask in the magic of love, true contentment and
peace. A lot of it is thanks to the family who rally around you and share with
you the very joys of existence. All this relaxes you and you enter new ventures,
projects, collaborations and partnerships, with fresh ideas and a new sense of
purpose. The activities of the latter part of the period are surrounding good
and you cover a lot of ground on all fronts.
Leo: The results of this period are
spectacular and you are ‘the man of the match’ more than once. You are the
toast of the season and win praise, adulation and applause from everybody. You
are glowing and growing, emotionally and spiritually, and its happy days once
again. You see and realise the power of money and are aware of just how real
and tangible it is. So money will be your focus till the end of this period.
Virgo: There is greater joy in life
for you now. You are sorting out the money angle and even moving headlong and
with great speed and determination on that front. There is happiness and
contentment. Family life, too, brings joy, and if you are a parent there will
be even greater happiness. The money angle continues to be in sharp focus. Your
health is also fine. All this makes you positive, energetic, enthusiastic.
Libra: You are calm and contented and
find marvellous emotional balance. You are amiable and understanding and can
work through problems well. There are many intellectual, spiritual and physical
gains as Ganesha crowns your efforts in almost all directions with splendid
success. You may even buy new property now and shift to a bigger, grander home.
There is opulence in your life and you just love the charisma and glitter of
Scorpio: You have to make the right
choices now as there will be many things to choose from. While it is fine to
focus on the material world, several other issues have to be worked out in the
other areas of your life. Mutual funds, shares and stocks, capital-raising and
all other money matters come to the fore and you will have to work hard to see
them through satisfactorily. Your esteem in the community gets a huge hike,
which satisfies your ego drives immensely.
Sagittarius: You taste the good life
again. There are new acquisitions and additions, which can even be gems and
jewels, gold and luxury goods along with genuine accomplishments, achievements
and true love. Ganesha also gives you the joys of greater bonding at home.
While life is buoyant and without hassles and hiccups, it is also necessary to
tread carefully and be on your guard lest you slip up and undo all the good
that you have accomplished.
Capricorn: The theme this period is
material bonding and close family relationships. It is an emotional period with
loved ones and you get a lot of joy from the new chemistry that you now
experience. There is fun and gaiety and many enriching associations. You love
all this and it is a welcome respite from the hard work that you have put in
most of this period. From being a solo player, you now work in a team and enjoy
all the benefits of collaboration, bonding and harmony which a good team brings
to you.
Aquarius: The action continues with
many challenges in store. The period seems to be packed to the brim for you.
But this is a pleasurable phase as you get a chance to showcase your skills,
talent and determination. There is success as you surmount everything thrown at
you. You will thrive in the use of the last word in technology and will invest
in the latest gadgets gizmos and software. There is also exciting travel on the
cards with many new possibilities.
Pisces: This is an intense phase and
a lot will happen. This period could be quite dramatic. There is money to be
made and success will beckon on the work front. Health is also good and
domestic matters are in control. But, more important, you could be in the
throes of a sizzling romance. It is fine if you are single, but I don’t have to
add here that if you are married a third person will spoil at all. I suggest
you take adequate precautions.
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