Weekly Astrology Horoscope for November 27 - December 3, 2017 by BEJAN DARUWALLA


                Shree Ganeshaya Namah
                Weekly Horoscope
                November 27 – December 3
                By Bejan Daruwalla
Aries: Ganesha says family issues crop up again. If you are single, you may find a partner as the time is opportune as well as favourable. If you are married, there could be an addition to the family or closer bonding than before with your spouse / mate / partner. There are also new avenues at work and you will maintain your focus on earning and business. Children, if any, are also a source of joy and you will delight in their activities.
Taurus: There is a lot happening now on the career and work fronts and you are on your toes. You cannot back off now. All projects and ventures that you initiated several months ago are on a roll and you need to be in the driver’s seat. It is important to make the right decisions which will go a long way in paving the future. Money also comes to you and there will be deeds, documents, agreements, and letter to intent, and so on, to deal with.
Gemini: There is a lot of joy as well as excitement in your life right now. Work, domesticity, family and money all come together very happily. There will be reorganisation, or a revamping at the workspace, to keep you busy, and there will also be many financial demands from all quarters which you will meet without much trouble. This is the time for new ideas, new ventures and new challenges.
Cancer: You need to remain calm and positive in this period as a lot will be happening in your life. You will be wondering which direction to take, when and how. There will be changes as well as new challenges at both the work and home fronts. You may even look seriously at relocation. You will need to plan it all out carefully as both expenses and responsibilities increase many times over.
Leo: This is a very good period in which you are in a positive frame of mind and also display great style. You emerge a winner at both work as well as play. You manage to overcome everything that is thrown at you in every sphere of activity. You also display a spiritual bent of mind. This will hold you in good stead in all your relationships. You are able to unwind and look at every situation with equanimity.
Virgo: This period your life takes on much more and new intensity. You have accomplished a lot and yet make no bones about more plans and ambitions. You want to make more money and embark on new ventures. Like many before you, starting from Alexander the Great, you want to conquer the world. Along with this, like the Buddha, you are also on the threshold of a great spiritual conquest.
Libra: As though to unwind or to break free, you will tap your spiritual side and there will be tranquillity and inner joy. You are energised with new chakra energy. This is Ganesha’s true reward which you may not understand just now. The feeling is one of profound peace and joy and you become a fountain of happiness. You reach out to those less fortunate to share it with them and, in the process, are reinforced by your own spirituality and beliefs.
Scorpio: Now that you are rejuvenated and restored in body and mind, you will sparkle and even exhibit signs of genius. You will a) focus on work, family, children, and b) be in total harmony with immediate environment. You will also explore new horizons and be keen to tap newer sources of knowledge, leading to both wisdom and material gains. You are a new person, and the world sees the shine in your eyes.
Sagittarius: You have a new belief in yourself and are very happy for it. You meet and interact with new associates and will love and be loved, care and be cared for. There may also be marriage, fun, laughter, glamour and joy, to add to the happiness quotient. You are a big draw and very popular at parties, gatherings, ceremonies and group outings. The family bonding is also very strong. Some great desire or wish of yours will be met or fulfilled.
Capricorn: Life is indeed a yo-yo. You never know which string is pulled when. And we are like puppets being manipulated. Just when you have achieved a degree of inner security and belief, thanks to your spiritual grounding, you swing back to doubts, anxieties and worries. What is the reality in you, you may wonder – is it steadfastness or is it instability? You have no idea. But Ganesha helps out with a huge gain and increase in your effort, time and energy levels.
Aquarius: You put in sustained effort and work and achieve a lot. In addition to all the hard work that you have put in, there will be many moments of sustained entertaining, too. You will find ways to rid yourself of undue worries. There will be heavy expenses, clandestine affairs, secret deals, surreptitious movements, money-making opportunities and a whole new gamut of uncertain happenings and activities.
Pisces: You move closer to home and family, which will be your strength, solace and support system. The world throws out many challenges and you need to retreat to congenial surroundings to face it all, as well as find and manage solutions. There will be meetings and collaborations. You will also enjoy new gadgets, gizmos, luxury goods, new furnishings and all that is beautiful and pleasurable. There is further respite coming from Ganesha.


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