About YOU
Bejan Daruwalla
(Ganesha says this is a very
comprehensive, all inclusive information about each and every sign of the
zodiac by Western Astrology. Yes, your astrologer openly admits that the
material is collected from various sources. I am sure you will relish it.
(March 21 – April 19)
Gender:- Masculine
Element:- Fire
Qualities:- Cardinal
Aries is raw, primitive energy, a
courageous, assertive, passionate, headstrong, pioneering spirit; full of
physical strength.
Ruling Planet:- Mars – ancient god of
war, aggression, conflict. In astrology, Mars’ influence creates tension and
accidents; it rules over fire and danger.
Symbolic Interpretation: The Ram
represents the horns and nose of the Ram. It also pictures the eyebrows and
nose of man (the head is the part ruled by Aries). Combative, obviously, the
horns go with the head and the face in any animal.
Opposite Number: Libra (The seventh
sign from yours is your opposite number).
Body part ruled by Aries: The head.
Aries people are prone to headaches, and
facial injuries.
Animals ruled by Aries: Sheep and,
especially rams.
Hazards: Fire, war and injury from
sharp instruments. They may suffer from accidents in sports, surgical
operations especially on the head and face.
Traditional associations of Aries
Gemstone: Diamond
Metal: Iron
Colours: Red, scarlet and carmine
Cities: Florence, Verona, Naples and
Countries: France, Germany, Poland,
England and Denmark
Lucky for Ariens
Day: Tuesday
Number: Nine
Flowers and trees
Anemone, honeysuckle, thistle, mint,
Hawthorn, evergreen thorn, spruce,
all thorny trees
Most strong-tasting foods such as
onions, leeks, garlic. Hot spices associated with Aries are mustard and cayenne
Alphabets (that vibrate to Aries) :
(April 20 – May 20)
Gender: Feminine
Element: Earth
Qualities: Fixed
Taurus is quiet, affectionate,
patient, stable, determined and practical, stubborn and resistant to change.
Ruling Planet: Venus. In astrology,
Venus’ influence inclines toward a love of luxury, beauty, artistic pursuits
and love.
Symbolic Interpretation: The Bull.
Strong, stubborn, plodding, can be both fierce and gentle. The symbol
represents the horns and head of the Bull. It also outlines the chin and Adam’s
apple of the human throat (the part of the anatomy that Taurus rules).
Opposite Number: Scorpio (The seventh
sign from yours is your opposite number… Taurus is the sign of property and
money, possessions and Taureans are known to cling to what is theirs. Scorpio,
Taurus’s opposite sign, is the sign of legacies and shared wealth. The wealth
of Scorpio people tends to be spiritual rather than material, which they give
to others in the form of teaching, writing, and the healing arts.
Body parts ruled by Taurus: Neck and
throat. Many Taurus people have beautiful speaking and signing voices, but they
are vulnerable to colds and thyroid problems, laryngitis, sore throats.
Animals ruled by Taurus: Cattle,
especially the bull.
Hazards: Taurus people often
antagonize others over love and money. They are famous for their stubbornness
and possessiveness.
Traditional associations of Taurus
Metal: Copper
Colours : Pale blue, yellow, pink and
pale green
Cities: Palermo and St. Louis
Countries: Ireland, Switzerland,
Cyprus and the Greek Islands
Lucky for Taureans
Day: Friday
Number: Six
Flowers and trees
Narcissus, lily of the valley,
foxglove, rose, poppy
Fig, vine, apple
Wheat and most other cereals, grapes,
apples, pears, artichokes, asparagus and most spices are associated with
Alphabets (that vibrate to Taurus) :
B, V, U, O
(May 21 – June 20)
Gender: Masculine
Element: Air
Qualities: Mutable
Gemini is lively, energetic, versatile,
and intellectual, lives primarily in the mind rather than the emotions, and is
extremely adaptable to new situations.
Ruling Planet: Mercury. In astrology,
Mercury rules communication and travel; its influence emphasizes a nervous
Symbolic Interpretation: Sagittarius
(the seventh sign from yours is your opposite number.) Gemini is the sign of
thought, self-expression and communication on a personal level. Natives of
Gemini strive for, and try to impose, their point of view on others.
Sagittarius people tend to shrink from close personal involvement and, unlike
Gemini, are shaped by what others think of them.
Body parts ruled by Gemini: Hands,
arms, shoulders and lungs. Geminis are susceptible to sprains, and accidents
involving arms and hands; also prone to bronchitis and respiratory ailments.
Animals ruled by Gemini: Parrots and
other brightly colored birds, monkeys and butterflies.
Hazards: Gemini people are
susceptible to accidents while traveling, especially by air. Their changeability
and fickle nature also tend to irritate others.
Traditional associations of Gemini
Gemstone: Agate
Metals: Quicksilver/mercury
Colours: Yellow, slate grey and
spotted mixtures
Cities: London, San Francisco,
Cordoba and Bruges
Countries: Belgium, USA, Sardinia and
Lucky for Geminians
Day: Wednesday
Number: Five
Lavender, blue violet, lily-of-the
valley, ferns
Hazel, chestnut and all nut-bearing
Nuts and all vegetables grown above
the ground, except cabbage, are foods associated with Gemini, as are such herbs
and spices as marjoram, caraway and aniseed.
Alphabets (that vibrates to Gemini) :
K, GH, Q
(June 21 – July 22)
Gender: Feminine
Element: Water
Qualities: Cardinal
Cancer is emotional, and possesses an
active, shrewd, and intuitive mind. Cancerians are sensitive, kind, often
sympathetic, and receptive to change.
Ruling Planet: The Moon. In
astrology, the Moon governs the emotions and intuitive behaviour.
Symbolic Interpretation: The Crab,
possessing a hard, and crusty exterior, covering soft flesh underneath. The
symbol represents the claws of the Crab.
Opposite Number: Capricorn (The
seventh sign from yours is your opposite number.) Cancer is the sign of home
and family life, personal relationships. Capricorn, Cancer’s opposite sign, is
the sign of reputation and public standing, even advancement of self.
Body parts ruled by Cancer: The
breasts and stomach. Cancerians love to eat and have to fight overweight in
later years and, also digestive ailments.
Animals ruled by Cancer: Crab and
other shell-covered animals, all crustaceans.
Hazards: Cancer people are
susceptible to theft, losses and accidents in the home.
Traditional associations of
Gemstones: Moonstone and pearl
Metal: Silver
Colours: White, opal, iridescent
silvery hues, smoky grey, sea green and blue
Cities: Amsterdam, New York,
Istanbul, Tokyo, Algiers
Countries: Scotland, Holland, New
Zealand and Paraguay
Lucky for Cancerians
Day: Monday
Number: Two
Flowers and trees
White lily, acanthus, white rose,
larkspur, convolvulus, water lily, all white flowers
All trees, particularly those rich in
Milk, fish, fruits and vegetables
with a high water content, white and red cabbage and herbs such as verbena and
tarragon are all linked with Cancer.
Alphabets (that vibrate to Cancer) :
(July 23 – August 22)
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Qualities: Fixed
Leo is dogmatic and fixed in opinion,
large-hearted, creative, self-willed, powerful, full of generosity and extra vagance.
Ruling Planet: The Sun. In astrology,
the Sun is the most powerful planetary influence, bestowing vitality and
Symbolic Interpretation: The Lion.
Regal, brave, dominating, sometimes indolent. Possessing nobility and pride. It
represents two valves of the human heart (a part of the anatomy that Leo
rules). It is also the Greek symbol for the first letter of Leo. In symbolic
terms, it is two incomplete circles of the Sun joined by a crescent Moon,
symbolizing power derived from both the intellect and the emotions.
Opposite Number: Aquarius (The
seventh sign from yours is your opposite number). Leo is the sign that governs
pleasure and creativity, domination and ego. Aquarius, Leo’s opposite sign, is
the sign of hopes and wishes and the higher ideals of mankind.
Body parts ruled by Leo: Back, spine,
and the heart. Back and spinal ailments are common in Leo people.
Animals ruled by Leo: Lion and all
felines. (i.e. the entire cat family.)
Hazards: Leo people tend to be
challenging and boastful. They are also prone toward being victims of slander
and violence, since they are impulsive and often domineering.
Traditional associations of Leo
Gemstone: Ruby
Metal: Gold
Colours: Orange, gold rich shades of yellow, brown
Cities: Rome, Madrid, Damascus,
Mumbai and Hollywood
Countries: Italy, Sicily, southern
Iraq, Romania and Lebanon
Lucky for Leos
Day: Sunday
Number: One
Flowers and Trees
Sunflowwer, marigold, celandine,
passion flower
Laurel, bay tree, palm, walnut
Honey, rice and green vegetables with
a high iron content such as spinach, kale and watercress are typically Leonine
foodstuffs. These also include meat and the herbs rosemary, rue and saffron.
Alphabets (that vibrate to Leo): M
(August 23 – September 22)
Gender: Feminine
Element: Earth
Qualities: Mutable
Virgo is reserved, modest, practical,
discriminating and industrious, analytical and painstaking, seeking to know and
Ruling Planet: Mercury. In astrology,
Mercury rules intelligence and reason, and bestows a highly-strung temperament.
Symbolic Interpretation: The Virgin
represents purity, modesty, industriousness service to fellow workers. The
symbol represents a Virgin.
Opposite Number: Pisces (The seventh
sign from yours is your opposite number.) Virgo is the sign of work,
perfectionism and self-improvement. Pisces, Virgo’s opposite sign. Is the sign
of illusion, dreaminess, self-delusion, and escapism.
Body parts ruled by Virgo: The nervous system and the intestines.
Virgos are particularly susceptible to ulcers, nervous disorders, and
stress-related illnesses.
Animals ruled by Virgo: Small
domestic pets, cats and bees.
Hazards: Virgos have critical and
sharp tongues, a tendency to interfere and are not very emotional. They can
easily offend others. They are hypochondriac.
Traditional associations of Virgo
Gemstone: Sardonyx
Metal: Quicksilver/mercury
Colours: Shades of green, dark brown,
slate and spotted patterns
Cities: Boston, Heildelberg, Paris,
Strasbourg, Corinath
Countries: Greece, Turkey, Crete and
Lower Silesia, West Indies
Lucky for Virgoans
Day: Wednesday
Number: Five
Flowers andTrees
Buttercup, pansy, forget-me-not,
morning glory, aster, mimosa
Hazel, horse chestnut, and all
nut-bearing trees
Potatoes, carrots, turnips, Swedes
and all vegetables grown under the earth. Also nuts of all varities.
Alphabets (that vibrates to Virgo):
(September 23 – October 22)
Gender: Masculine
Element: Air
Qualities: Cardinal
Libra is diplomatic, polished, and
very socially inclined. Very charming too.
Ruling Planet: Venus. In astrology,
Venus rules pleasure and luxury, social pursuits, art, and adornment.
Symbolic Interpretation: The Scales,
signifying balance, equilibrium, order, and justice. The symbol represents the
scale which is in perfect equilibrium.
Opposite Number: Aries(The seventh
sign from yours is your opposite number.) Libra is the sign of marriage, union
and partnership. Aries, Libra’s opposite sign, is the sign of ego, personality and self.
Body parts ruled by Libra: The lower
back, kidneys, hips. Librans are prone to kidney infections, lower back strain
and problems in the lumbar region.
Animals ruled by Libra: Snakes,
lizards and other small reptiles.
Hazards: Libra people are indecisive
and sometimes make a declaration of love too easily, and can hurt and
disappoint people who care for them.
Traditional associations of Libra
Gemstone: Opal
Metal: Copper
Cities: Copenhagen, Vienna, Lisbon,
Charleston, Frankfurt and Nottingham
Countries: Austria, Burma, Argentina,
Tibet, China and Japan
Lucky for Librans
Day: Friday
Number: Six
Flowers and Trees
Dahlia, cosmos, daisy, lilac(purple),
cabbage rose, bluebell, hydrangeas
Ash, poplar, both black and white
Berry fruits, apples, pears, grapes, wheat,
barley and other cereals, artichokes, asparagus and almost all spices.
Alphabets (that vibrate to Libra): R,
(October 23 – November 21)
Gender: Feminine]
Element: Water
Qualities: Fixed
Scorpio is intense, obstinate and
unyielding but can be passionate and emotional as well. They can be both
tenacious and carping but also very subtle and caring.
Ruling Planet: Pluto. In astrology,
Pluto rules regenerative forces, and the beginnings and ends of phases in life.
Symbolic Interpretation: The Scorpion,
Secretive, often fatal. The symbol depicts the stinger of the Scorpion and is
connected to a representation of the human reproductive organs.
Opposite Number: Taurus (The seventh
sign from yours is your opposite number.) Scorpio is the sign of inheritance.
They have a sense of purpose and destiny. Taurus is the sign of possession,
Body part related by Scorpio: The
genitals. Scorpios are susceptible to exhaustion and ill health, infections of
the urinary tract and sexually transmitted diseases.
Animals ruled by Scorpio: Snakes,
insects and other invertebrates.
Hazards: Scorpios are secretive and
jealous. Their sharp tempers and harish
tongue can cause others anger.
Traditional associations of Scorpio
Gemstones: Topaz and malachite
Metal: Plutonium
Colours: Dark red, maroon, crimson
and the colours of smoky cloud formations
Cities: New Orleans, Cincinnati,
Washington D.C., Newcastle, Valencia and Liverpool
Countries: Morocco, Norway, Uruguay,
Syria, Tahiti, Algeria
Lucky for Scorpios
Day: Tuesday
Number: Nine
Flowers and Trees
Red chrysanthemum, red carnation,
rhododendron, honeysuckle, gentian
Blackthorn, thorn apple, hawthorn,
branches of thorn
Strong tasting foods, onions, hops, leeks and
shallots. Most of the pungent, sharp tasting foods are attributable to Mars and
Alphabets (that vibrate to Scorpio):
N, YU, Y
( November 22 – December 21)
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Qualities: Mutable
Sagittarius is ambitious, even
driven, generous, focused, freedom-loving, and a seeker of challenge, open to
new ideas, innovation and exploration.
Ruling Planet: Jupiter. In astrology,
Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, optimism, expansion, abundance.
Symbolic Interpretation: The Archer :
He is the symbol of directness, high aims, a love of outdoor activity and the
chase. The free-ranging, pointed arrow of the Archer is represented. It is also
a picture of the human leg from thigh to knee (the part of the anatomy that Sagittarius rules).
Opposite Number: Gemini (The seventh
sign from yours is your opposite number.) Sagittarius is the sign of broad
concepts, philosophy, higher learning, exploration. Gemini is the sign of
personal expression and “one-to-one” communication.
Body parts ruled by Sagittarius: The
liver, the hips, and the thighs. Sagittarius have a sensitive liver and need
lots of outdoor exercise to stay healthy and fit.
Animals ruled by Sagittarius: Horse
and those which are hunted – deer etc.
Hazards: Sagittarius can be hurt by
fire and explosion, especially while travelling. Their freedom-loving can make
them loners, and make other people either jealous or insecure.
Traditional associations of
Gemstone: Turquoise
Metal: Tin
Colours: Rich purple, violet, red and
Cities: Toledo, Budapest, Sheffield,
Toronto, Cologne and Acapulco
Countries: Spain, Australia, South Africa, Arabia and
Lucky for Sagittarians
Day: Thursday
Number: Three
Flowers and Trees
Narcissus, golden rod, pinks, pink
carnation, dandelions
Oak, ash, birch, mulberry, chestnut
Bulb vegetables such as onions, leeks
and celery. Currants sultans, mulberries and bilberries. Grapefruit is also
attributed to Sagittarius
Alphabets (that vibrate to
Sagittarius ) : F, DH
( December 22 – January 19 )
Gender: Feminine
Element: Earth
Qualities: Cardinal
Capricorn is patient, disciplined,
determined, and quick to seize opportunity. Capricornians seek security, want
acquisitions, and rely on cunning rather than brute-force. They are reserved, prudent
and sometimes aloof and withdrawn.
Ruling Planet : Saturn. In astrology,
Saturn represents obstacles, limitation, restriction, discipline.
Symbolic Interpretation: The Goat,
who is able to ascend the heights because of its nimble surefootedness. The
goat butts its way through obstructions. The symbol represents the V-shaped
beard of the goat and the curved tail of the fish (the sea goat, which was the
ancient symbol for Capricorn). It also pictures the human knee and circular
Opposite Number: Cancer (The seventh
sign from yours is your opposite number.) Capricorn is the sign governing
reputation, career, standing in the community, honor, praise, and approval of
the world at large. Cancer, Capricorn’s opposite sign, is the sign of domesticity
and home life.
Body parts ruled by Capricorn: The
bones, joints, and knees. Capricornians may suffer from stiff joints,
rheumatism, and orthopaedic problems…
Animals ruled by Capricorn: Goats,
all animals with cloven hoofs.
Hazards: Capricornians can be aloof,
uncaring, reserved and unemotional and may thus seem to be intentionally
Traditional associations of Capricorn
Gemstone: Garnet
Metal: Lead
Colours: Dark grey, dark green,
black, dark brown and indigo
Cities: Delhi, Mexico City, Ghent,
Brussels, Oxford, Chicago and Montreal
Countries: India, Mexico, Macedonia,
Orkney and Shetland
Lucky for Capricornians
Day: Saturday
Numbers: Eight and Two
Flowers and Trees
Red poppy, amaranthus, pansy, red
carnation, ivy
Elm, pine, aspen, poplar, holly,
weeping willow
Potatoes, beets, barley and malt are
attributed to Capricorn – also starchy foods, onions, spinach and quinces.
Alphabets (that vibrate to Capricorn) : j, KH, X
( January 20 - February 18)
Gender: Masculine
Element: Air
Qualities: Fixed
Aquarius is original and inventive,
has strong dislikes and firm opinions. Aquarians can be very progressive,
strong-willed and assertive. They are independent and analytical and are born
leaders and free thinkers.
Ruling Planet: Uranus. In astrology,
Uranus is the planet of change and the unexpected, invention and modern science
(Discovered in 1781.0
Symbolic interpretation: The
Waterbearer: bearing the gift that gives life. The symbol represents the water
which flows from the vessel of the Waterbearer. It is also a picture of the
human ankle in motion.
Opposite Number: Leo (The seventh
sign from yours is your opposite number.) Aquarius is the sign of idealisitic
humanitarians who often remain personally detached in their own relationships.
Leo, Aquarius’s opposite sign, is the sign of pleasure, affection, love, close
ties, fun and good times.
Body parts ruled by Aquarius: the
circulatory system, shins and ankles. Acquarians may suffer from varicose veins
and hardening of the arteries, fractures and sprains.
Animals ruled by Aquarians: Large,
far-flying birds
Hazards: Aquarians are often
eccentric, usually innovative and unconventional. Their “way out” bohemian attitudes can also cause trouble.
Traditional associations of Aquarians
Gemstone: Aquamarine
Metals: Uranium and aluminium
Colours: Aquamarine, turquoise and
electric blue
Cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg,
Buenos Aires, hamberg and Salzburg
Countries: Russia, Sweden, Ethiopia
and Poland
Lucky for Aquarians
Day: Saturday
Number: Four, one and seven
Flowers and Trees
Apple blossom, peach blossom, elder
flowers, orchid
Cherry, plum, fig, and all fruit
Zestful citrus fruits such as lemon
and lime, peppers, chillies, herbs and spices with sharp, distinctive flavours.
Alphabets (that vibrate to Aquarius)
: G, S, SH
(February 19 – march 20)
Gender: Feminine
Element: Water
Qualities: Mutable
Pisces is very changeable,
impressionable and mystical, adaptable. Pisceans are usually romantics, who are
both kind and receptive and are strong on both intuition and emotion.
Ruling Planet: Neptune. In astrology,
Neptune is the planet of illusion, glamour, mystery, deception and was
discovered in 1846.
Symbolic Interpretation: Two Fishes
tied to one another in opposite directions, signifying hidden depths, shifting
emotional currents. The symbol represents two fishes tied together. It is also
a picture of the human feet (the part of the anatomy that Pisces rules.)
Opposite Number: Virgo, Pisces is the
sign of dreams, intuitions, psychism and mysticism, spiritual values in life.
Virgo, Pisces’s opposite sign, is the sign of work and service.
Body parts ruled by Pisces: The feet.
All foot ailments from corns to sprains and aches.
Animals ruled by Pisces: Sea-loving
mammals and all fish
Hazards: Pisceans can be
unpredictable, vacillating and indecisive. They can be unbalanced, and prone to
Traditional associations of Pisces
Gemstone: Amethyst
Metals: Germanium and strontium
Colours: Mauve, purple, violet, sea
green, silver
Cities: Hollywood, Alexandria,
Lisbon, Seville, Dublin, Warsaw and Jerusalem
Countries: Portugal, many small
Mediterranean islands, the Gobi and Sahara deserts and Scandinavia
Lucky for Pisceans
Day: Thursday
Number: Seven, two and six
Flowers and Trees
White poppy, iris, orchid, water
lily, angelica, violet, jonquil
Weeping willow, all trees growing by
water, fig.
Foods with a high water content –
such as cucumber, watermelon, lettuce, and the gourd family.
Alphabets (that vibrate to Pisces) :
Z, CH, D, X
Note: Strictly speaking the alphabets
given here in all the signs really go with the Indian Moon signs. However, only
as an experiment, I have incorporated them here and placed them with the
Western sun signs. You can take it or leave it.
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